NFT Artists need somewhere they can collectively and fairly decide on community wide efforts and standards. Where creators offer their expertise in art, legal, technical or other fields to cultivate the NFT ecosystem. All on a fairly launched, decentralized platform that is uncensorable. That place is the Non Fungible DAO.

Fairer Ecosystems

This is a place where the people who are actually helping pioneer the NFT movement get recognized and are given a voice in the wider scale NFT movement. This is a more organic approach then king making a few big names in NFTs to be coopted by corporate galleries like Christie's.

NFT Standards

There need to be standard practices between developers, artists, and clients to protect their profits and work. These standards should not be determined by the legacy art galleries or by a small handful of NFT projects that attracted the most notoriety. NFT standards need to be cultivated by thousands of individuals like artists, programmers, and lawyers all giving specialized efforts and knowledge. The NFT revolution needs a guiding hand before it is entirely coopted by corporate art media.

The NFT Library of Alexandria

We aim to create a knowledgebase of terms defined, methods of execution, differences between technologies, tips from artists and lawyers, and standardized resources for NFT Artists. Standardized documents such as licensing agreements, royalty agreements, NFT specific contracts. Ethics and operating standards for artists and customers allowing for accountability for stolen art, of theft such as the Nate Chastain Opensea incident, or for customers who break IP usage agreements.

  • Serving the Interests of Artists
  • Autonomous Fair Community
  • Hosted on IPFS
  • DAO Governance for Artists
  • First in the Metaverse

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Help the NFT community by contributing what you know and do
to help make this space fair and accessible to every artist on Earth